Friday 1 July 2011

LFC Fans' Stories: Scouse help for a travelling Red

My job as a marine biologist takes me to some of the most exotic and remote places in the world.  The problem with that is getting to watch LFC's games.  I've lost count of the strange places and extreme lengths I've had to go to to hear of see the game.  But no matter where I am in the world, I always seem to find a fellow Red to help me out.

I remember back in 2000 trying to find a bar in Mildura, Australia (which is a dusty Outback town just north of Adelaide, I don't even remember why I was there in the first place) at silly-o'clock in the morning that was still open and showing the LFC vs Mancs game at Old Trafford.  I walked what seemed like forever and hitched lifts with various undesirables to numerous dimly lit streets just to find a place to watch the game.  I had almost given up hope when I heard a distinct scouse accent from across the street shout "Nice top mate!", (I was obviously wearing my LFC top).  The guy's name was John and he very kindly drove me to a bar that he thought would show the game.  It was literally the last bar in town but it had a 28 inch TV on a wall which was showing the game.  It had already kicked off as we walked in so I quickly bought a drink for us both and stood as close to the TV as possible.  We were surrounded by gruff, hairy Aussie men and even gruffer, hairier Aussie women.  There also happened to be a couple of load-mouthed Mancs, who were completed 'off it' and kept slagging us off when they weren't busy falling around the bar.  I thought I'd be doing well to survive the night, but stuck with it.

It was a tight game, then Paddy Berger scored from a free-kick and I went absolutely nuts...... then realised the whole of Mildura was staring at me including the 2 Mancs who looked like they wanted blood.  Such was my elation that I didn't stop and didn't care to stop.  The one thing I learnt from that morning was the crazier you act, the more you are left alone.  The goal shut the Mancs up.......... for 30 seconds.  Unfortunately they equalised and the game ended 1-1.  I said goodbye to John  and told him how much I'd appreciated his help.

More recently, 2011, I was in Tunisia trying to find a place to watch the Arsenal away game.  No one I asked knew anywhere that would be showing the game, so I set out on another trek.  I was stopped numerous times by people offering quad bike/horse/camel rides, bananas, fake designer gear and various other mechanise.  I eventually asked a couple of guys for help, they said they were LFC fans and pointed me in the direction of a dodgy looking bar, (they are always dodgy for some reason), at the end of what I can only describe as a dirt track.  As I approached the bar and looked inside, I noticed they had a TV with a very poor Internet connect that was showing the game.  I watched with Gooners and Scousers as the picture and sound flickered and died then came back again.

The game was deep into injury time when Arsenal were awarded a penalty, which van Persie scored. We pilled on the pressure and were amazingly awarded a penalty for a foul on Lucas with no time remaining. We couldn't believe our luck. Just as Kuyt ran up to take it however the picture went blank and stayed blank. All the Scousers were screaming, running around the bar and out on to the street to find someone who knew what was going on. I tried to phone the UK but couldn't get through to anyone. 10 minutes passed, then 20 with no one knowing what just happened. The bar owner had his baseball bat out at the sight of 20-odd Reds running around his bar screaming incomprehensibly.  It was hilarious.

After about 25 minutes of nothing, the TV came back on just as they were showing a reply of the goal during the post-match analysis.  We went berserk and started a conga down the street.  Fantastic.

I've met countless Reds all over the world and had some wonderful experiences travelling and supporting our club.  All I can say is "Scousers Rule!"

We support the greatest club in the world and are, without doubt, the greatest supporters in the world.  YNWA.

Dan (LFC fan, Australia).


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