Tuesday 12 July 2011

LFC Fans' Stories: Living with a Mad Red!

It's another normal day, then I'm warned there's a match on.  This is no ordinary match this is the one we all dread in our house for varying reasons.  I dread the match because the hubby will behave like a bipolar smack head, he will be unapproachable and evil for the whole match.

I will have no idea what mood he's going to be in when I get home!  You'll notice I said 'when I get home', I take the kids out as the hubby has a tendancy to make the kids cry and scare the life out of them while the match is on.  Also no child should be subjected to the amount of foul language that is hirled at the T.V.
You may wonder what kind of match would drive his wife and kids out of the house .........well it's the Liverpool v Manchester United match, it doesn't matter if they are playing home or away it's always the same.

I arrive home to find him exhausted and limp on the settee, he smiles ( thank the lord), he tries to speak but he's hoarse from shouting so much.  There are times like this that I'm glad my neighbours can't hear us.  I ask him if he wants a cuppa, he nods while listening to the post match analysis.

The next several hours are long and tiresome, we all have to relive the match.  Both verbally and via the medium of sky plus, yay!  We firstly go through all goals and then the bad decisions that have been made against us.

The kids escape to the bedroom to watch a DVD, much to the disappointment of their dad.  I am not so lucky, I get to listen to all the issues he has with game, I nod and smile were required.  Over the years I've learnt not to offer my opinion and just smile or scawl and nod where needed like a stepford wife.

Then we go over and over the match from start to finish over the next couple of days.   Before work we watch the highlights when we get home from work and just before bed.  It gets better as the days go on.

The bipolar and the OCD dies down and we start to get back to normal.......until the Wednesday or what ever day the mid week match is on and we go through the process all over again lol!!


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